Frühstück mit Seeblick

Breakfast with view over the lake

The diverse cultures of Italy, Slovenia and Carinthia have left their culinary mark on our hotel. Enjoy a rich breakfast buffet as well as light snacks and small delicacies on our sunny, Mediterranean-style terrace with a view of Lake Faak. We also warmly welcome breakfast guests who are not staying in our hotel by prior arrangement. Our gourmet breakfast buffet costs EUR 38 per person and is available from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m (including all hot drinks and a glass of Prosecco).

Tipp aus der Küche: Wildkräuter fördern den Stoffwechsel – hier ein Kräuterdrink als Tipp: Äpfel, Banane mit Buttermilch oder Joghurt und einer Hand voll Wildkräuter (Löwenzahn, Gundermann, Vogelmiere, Brennessel, Spitzwegerich) im Mixer aufpürieren, abschmecken – fertig.